Monday, July 5, 2010

In which our hero lets you in on a little secret...

     First off, I would like to acknowledge that no one reads this. I don't update enough, and I don't 'market' myself enough, and I kinda don't care enough either. I would like to update more, but on not being able to think of a decent name for the blog and the correlation to the content, there is a good chance I'll be labelled an actual paranoid schizophrenic, as everyone has a professional medical opinion about people on the internet. And I simply cannot have that.

     But as for my little secret. It's not so little.

     Sorry everyone, but religion is fake. There is no God, there is no sentience to the universe, there is no Messiah, and there are certainly no Angels. There is no Heaven, and no Hell, and the closest thing that comes to Purgatory is going to work in an office all day.
     Most of us believed in Santa Claus at one point. A happy fat german man who gave gifts to millions of kids worldwide and ate a metric fuck ton of cookies in one night. Wasn't there an X-Files episode about a guy who only had to feed periodically, and would hibernate for years before doing it again? Was Santa some mutate Kraut with a factory full of slave labour midgets?
     More importantly, how old were we before we saw through all the bullshit? 5? 7?
     Yet to this day, billions of people believe in something far more crazy and out there. God. Jesus. An old man in the sky, who created the cosmos from nothing but thought and will, and cares what each and every one of the 7 billion on the planet think of him.
     Seriously, he is supposed to care. Dude, if you made the universe, you are already King Shit. What sort of validation do you need from us 'lesser' beings?
     It's not real, folks. It's all lies. It's a bedtime story. It's make belief. It's fake and people are dying over it. It's a sick waste of life.
     "My Sky Wizard has a different name than yours!"
     "Mine's still cool, asshole!"
     Now you have one dead guy who just wanted to be a farmer and have a kid and maybe a mistress on the side and one guy who is haunted by the face the dead guy made, and drinks heavily and beats his frustration out on his prostitutes before taking his money back and feeling something again.

     And you know what I love? The word 'Faith'. It's a great word that I think is used in the wrong context every time this topic comes up in discussion.
     'Faith' is what I get in humanity when I see something like some little kid holding the door for an elderly person he doesn't know, or seeing someone buying a homeless person a muffin, or all those little moments in the day where you see it and think 'Ok, maybe we aren't totally fucked'. It's a tangible thing. We can see it for the good that it is. It's not blind allegiance to a book or a God. That's just gullibility.

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