Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where Our Host introduces himself, and pisses off Microsoft and Sony in one post

First, I'll introduce myself. I'm Andrew, and I am half of the review team at, a video game review site my good friend Raki built. It's a good cop/bad cop kinda show with mature language. We don't write scripts and we don't really censor ourselves either.
I'm a very casual gamer, as in I dont know off the top of my head what developer studio made whatever game, and really I dont give a shit. I care about the end product. I care if the 3 hours I sit in front of my tv holding a controller could have been better spent sitting in front of my computer holding my penis. No disrespect to the industry. I love the games I love, and I play them religiously.
Why don't I care about who made what? Because it's too much effort. There are dozens of big name studios, and hundreds of indie studios (and so far only Ska Studios has stuck out) with thousands of programmers. It's a big industry, and I don't have any fucking time to learn about it all.

That is what makes ControllerPunch work. Raki is most probably the hardest core gamer I know. He brings the knowledge of the industry to the shows we do, often educating me as we foray into the streets in search of food and eye candy. Between him and actually playing a game, I think I may be a very well learned casual gamer. Also being friends for the better part of 15 years gives us a bit of an edge. Better than those fat fucks at OXM.
The point of this blog? Well, I want to talk about things that we simply don't have time to discuss during an episode of CP. My thoughts about a game or peripherals. My thoughts on gaming culture. What I'm looking forward to because fuck, there are some good fucking games heading our way in time for the holiday rush.
  1. Darksiders: Wrath of War (Fuck YES BITCHES!!)
  2. Halo: ODST (This is gonna be an awesome game. Thanks Bungie! [it is Bungie, right?])
  3. Left 4 Dead 2 
  4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 
  5. Dead Rising 2 (Just saw a trailer for it. Fuck yes, son!)
You'll notice there won't be a PS3 list. At least not until some good PS3 exclusive games are announced that I deem worthy of my time and endorsement. And most of the games I like can be found on the Playstation network for download. That, and I am console biased. Fuck you.
Speaking of PS3 I saw the new motion sticks on Joystiq. I don't know why they modelled them after massagers (read as: vibrators) but I wont be using one until they confirm a rumble massage type game. If it looks like a vibrator, and it feels like a vibrator, well, then logic concludes it must be a slice of key lime pie.

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