Saturday, September 19, 2009

In which out host laments the death of UMD's

     When Sony released the PSP, they had to create a medium in which to sell/run content on this infernal machine. That dark creation was the UMD or Universal Media Disc.

     When I first saw a umd, I was reminded of the movie Cool World, and thought this must have been the cartoon condom Gabriel Byrne used to fuck cartoon Kim Basinger, and some weird (probably homeless) guy put a mini disc in it. Better yet there was a hole in it, so out there, somewhere between reality and fantasy, there are a litter of very serious, grim looking dark haired Irish children that can't amount to anything but the most gutteral of noises as speech,  and high pitched giggles. nice fucking work, Mr Byrne.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

In which our host RAGES!!!

Dammit. CPU CRASHED DURING BATMAN REVIEW. Now I gotta start all over again.

danananadananana BATMAN

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Public Service Announcement

We need more commercials like this.

Where our host discusses pr0nz on gaming consoles.

Porn. Say it out loud. It's a funny word. We all know what it means. It means a small moment of comfort during another dark, cold night alone while you sit in front of your computer, hating yourself for what your life has turned into, but pushing your limits to see the next thing that arouses any sense left in your empty husk of a body.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where Our Host introduces himself, and pisses off Microsoft and Sony in one post

First, I'll introduce myself. I'm Andrew, and I am half of the review team at, a video game review site my good friend Raki built. It's a good cop/bad cop kinda show with mature language. We don't write scripts and we don't really censor ourselves either.
I'm a very casual gamer, as in I dont know off the top of my head what developer studio made whatever game, and really I dont give a shit. I care about the end product. I care if the 3 hours I sit in front of my tv holding a controller could have been better spent sitting in front of my computer holding my penis. No disrespect to the industry. I love the games I love, and I play them religiously.
Why don't I care about who made what? Because it's too much effort. There are dozens of big name studios, and hundreds of indie studios (and so far only Ska Studios has stuck out) with thousands of programmers. It's a big industry, and I don't have any fucking time to learn about it all.